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Guest Blog


Ken Adams

Crossroads Church, a church plant of Palmetto Baptist Church, the Fairburn Baptist Association, and the Georgia Baptist Convention, held its first worship service on March 28, 1989, at White Oak Elementary School. Ken Adams was called as the pastor shortly after the start of the church. After three years of meeting in different schools, Crossroads Church (Click Here to Visit) purchased twenty acres of property on Highway 154 and built its first permanent building. Since that time, Crossroads has grown in numbers but more importantly in faith, as we have seen God provide and work miracles in people’s lives. We praise God for what He has done in our past and look forward to the future. Ken is also the founder and Director of Impact Discipleship Ministries. click here to check it out !



I don’t know about you, but I want to be a dangerous disciple. I want to be the kind of disciple that Satan hates to see coming, the kind of disciple that the demons are trying to figure out how to slow down. I want to become the kind of disciple that is causing a ruckus in Hell. I want to live every day in such a way that the life God has given me is being used to the fullest for His glory. I’m not there yet, but I want to get to the point where God is using me every moment to impact eternity. 

As I understand the scriptures and the life of Christ, the most dangerous disciple on the planet is the one who is multiplying more disciples. Multiplication is the one thing Satan fears the most. It is the one things that has the power to put a dent in the darkness and push back the evil influence in our world today. Men and women who live in such a way that they are multiplying many generations of Christ followers are dangerous disciples.

What does it take to become dangerous? The single most important thing that defines a dangerous disciple is dogged determination. In other words, someone with a spirit that simply will not give up, an attitude that will not let you quit. Someone who puts their hand to the plow and just keeps going and going when others have already gone home. 

Satan’s number one most effective strategy against multiplication is distraction. His most effective tool against multiplying disciples is to get us distracted with “good” things that keep us from the “best” things. If Satan can cause a disciple to get busy with the wrong things, he can stop him or her from being productive in the right things. As disciples, it is so essential that we stay focused on what really matters.

Let me encourage you to connect with a group of people. Meet with them weekly to study God’s Word together, do life together, minister together, and pray together. In a year or two, someone in the group, people in your group will be ready to go out and repeat the process with other disciples. Keep replicating this disciple making process over and over again. By the time you leave this earth, you will have made multiple generations of disciples and put a serious dent in the darkness. 

Let me challenge you to become a dangerous disciple. The world needs men and women who know from where the real power to change the world comes. Work the plan God has given us. Don’t let all the wrong things distract you from the main thing. Make disciples like Jesus did and keep doing that over and over until He takes you Him. That’s it. 

Impact Discipleship Ministries exists to inspire people to be and build disciples of Christ. Please contact us at for more information about how we can help you become a dangerous disciple.

Suggested Resource: Download our FREE e-book, The Disciple Making Challenge here: 


By Ken Adams, Founder and Director of Impact Discipleship Ministries



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