Stay In Step!
“The world does not need you to be a SUPERMAN, it needs you to be a SUPER-NATURAL MAN! Let inspiration take the place of aspiration.” -...
Hope To See You Soon!
As I type this, my heart is heavy. I am very concerned. There is a current trend that is shaping the next generation of followers of...
You might need to add just ONE MORE THING . . . You might need to add just one more thing to your life. Sure, you say, “You don’t know...
God & Country Prayer
This is a big week for our country. I want to encourage and ask you if you would join me in praying for our country. The United States of...
Are YOU a Disciple-Making Pastor?
I have seen and used the phrase, "Disciple-Making," more in the past year than in my entire life. It is certainly the new "HOT"...