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God & Country Prayer

This is a big week for our country. I want to encourage and ask you if you would join me in praying for our country. The United States of America is at a very important crossroads and we as the people of God need to be as involved as possible.

First of all, with Friday being the observance of Veterans Day, I would like to say, THANK YOU to all of our veterans that have served in the military and armed services. I would like to thank each one of you no matter what branch you served in or what time period of our country you served, there are simply no words of appreciation that can sum up to how truly thankful we are for your service to our country. You fought for our freedom and for that we are indebted. To God Be the Glory!

I am greatly concerned that we as a country have gotten away from our Christian roots as fought and died for by our forefathers. I have written a prayer along the same lines of the Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jesus Christ himself. May we make this our prayer and see God do more than we can ask or imagine in this United States of America that will positively impact the future for the Kingdom of God!

“Dear Heavenly Father, you are Holy and Righteous. You created this world and our country, The United States of America, and everything in it (Character). Oh Lord, may the entire world see your Kingdom continually breakthrough right here in the USA and Lord, PLEASE hear our prayers as we go into Election Day tomorrow (Kingdom). Lord, thank you for always providing for us in an amazing way here in the United States of America. We often forget that you are our provider and not ourselves as we continue to chase the elusive, American Dream. Let us solely depend on you for everything – Body, Mind, and Spirit (Provision)! Father, forgive our country where we have attempted to gain control of government, politics, the church, and our communities. Lord let us forgive ourselves and our elected officials in the same capacity you have forgiven us (Forgiveness). Lord please put a path for our country and place it in the hearts of ALL of our elected officials, from county offices all the way to the President of the United States of America. Lord Please give our President “Eyes to see,” and “Ears to hear” the Gospel of Jesus Christ and APPLY IT to their lives, surrender to Him, and lead our country accordingly (Guidance). Lord, I ask for your protection from the temptation of money, power, and fame, which are idle and satanic tools used to get our leaders focused on self and not the Savior. Protect us, our children, and our children’s children for the evil one that attempts to kill, steal, and destroy (Protection). For thine is the Kingdom, the power and glory, forevermore, AMEN!”

There is one thing that I know for sure. No matter if your candidate won or lost, God is still the same. However, as citizens of the United States we are obligated by the rights of this country and as a Christian to stand up for the mandates of Christ.

Know that I am praying for you and for our country in this important week. Rest easy church, God is in control!

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